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The M.A.P.P. Serves As Our Compass and Instructional Guide For Serving.  It Will Help Us To Discern Our Future, Evaluate Our Present, And Maintain Our Identity And Purpose.

The M.A.P.P. Consists Of 4 Main Pieces Which Are:

  • M: Mission (Purpose for existence)

  • A: Assignments (Share, Honor, Invest, Fellowship, Train)

  • P: Principles (Christ Centered; Biblically Based; Expressed Excellence; Community Connection)

  • P: Picture (Vision)



First, the Mission is our ultimate purpose for existence. It is not what we can do, but what we are meant to do, and it’s found in Matthew 28: 19-20.



In the end, the 5 New Testament church assignments (Ministry, Worship, Evangelism, Fellowship, and Discipleship) are revealed and we see the church is called to grow in Christ, to grow in quantity, to grow in quality, and to grow in unity.  In an effort to make the assignments memorable, I arranged them into an acronym, S.H.I.F.T.:

  1. Share (Evangelism) John 1: 40-42;

  2. Honor (Worship) John 4:23-24;

  3. Invest (Ministry/ Mission) Galatians 5: 13-14;

  4. Friendship (Fellowship) Hebrews 10:25; and

  5. Train (Discipleship) 1 Cor. 9: 25-27



The first “P” stands for principles. The principles set the standard we use when pursuing the ultimate purpose. As we engage in our assignments, we apply these specific principles that make our work holy and unique:  

  1. Bible Based: 2 Tim 3:16

  2. Christ-Centered: Mark 9:2-8 

  3. Expressed Excellence: Mal 1: 13 -14

  4. Cultivate Community: 1 Cor. 9:22



The final element of the M.A.P.P. is Picture or Vision.  It is the sketch of God’s future for us. The Picture is both a commentary on the "now" time and a challenge for our future. It serves as a landmark in our pursuit of completing the mission. The Picture is itemized by Assignment (S.H.I.F.T.).  It establishes detailed goals with regard to direction, development, and deployment; and reveals where we are.




East Orange, NJ 07018, USA

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